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- /* List a tar archive.
- Copyright (C) 1988, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation
- This file is part of GNU Tar.
- GNU Tar is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- GNU Tar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GNU Tar; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /*
- * List a tar archive.
- *
- * Also includes support routines for reading a tar archive.
- *
- * this version written 26 Aug 1985 by John Gilmore (ihnp4!hoptoad!gnu).
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #ifndef STDC_HEADERS
- extern int errno;
- #endif
- #include <time.h>
- #ifdef BSD42
- #include <sys/file.h>
- #else
- #ifndef V7
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #endif
- #endif
- #define isodigit(c) ( ((c) >= '0') && ((c) <= '7') )
- #include "tar.h"
- #include "port.h"
- extern FILE *msg_file;
- long from_oct (); /* Decode octal number */
- void demode (); /* Print file mode */
- void restore_saved_dir_info ();
- PTR ck_malloc ();
- union record *head; /* Points to current archive header */
- struct stat hstat; /* Stat struct corresponding */
- int head_standard; /* Tape header is in ANSI format */
- int check_exclude ();
- void close_archive ();
- void decode_header ();
- int findgid ();
- int finduid ();
- void name_gather ();
- int name_match ();
- void names_notfound ();
- void open_archive ();
- void print_header ();
- int read_header ();
- void saverec ();
- void skip_file ();
- void skip_extended_headers ();
- extern char *quote_copy_string ();
- /*
- * Main loop for reading an archive.
- */
- void
- read_and (do_something)
- void (*do_something) ();
- {
- int status = 3; /* Initial status at start of archive */
- int prev_status;
- extern time_t new_time;
- char save_linkflag;
- name_gather (); /* Gather all the names */
- open_archive (1); /* Open for reading */
- for (;;)
- {
- prev_status = status;
- status = read_header ();
- switch (status)
- {
- case 1: /* Valid header */
- /* We should decode next field (mode) first... */
- /* Ensure incoming names are null terminated. */
- if (!name_match (current_file_name)
- || (f_new_files && hstat.st_mtime < new_time)
- || (f_exclude && check_exclude (current_file_name)))
- {
- int isextended = 0;
- if (head->header.linkflag == LF_VOLHDR
- || head->header.linkflag == LF_MULTIVOL
- || head->header.linkflag == LF_NAMES)
- {
- (*do_something) ();
- continue;
- }
- if (f_show_omitted_dirs
- && head->header.linkflag == LF_DIR)
- msg ("Omitting %s\n", current_file_name);
- /* Skip past it in the archive */
- if (head->header.isextended)
- isextended = 1;
- save_linkflag = head->header.linkflag;
- userec (head);
- if (isextended)
- {
- /* register union record *exhdr;
- for (;;) {
- exhdr = findrec();
- if (!exhdr->ext_hdr.isextended) {
- userec(exhdr);
- break;
- }
- }
- userec(exhdr);*/
- skip_extended_headers ();
- }
- /* Skip to the next header on the archive */
- if (save_linkflag != LF_DIR)
- skip_file ((long) hstat.st_size);
- continue;
- }
- (*do_something) ();
- continue;
- /*
- * If the previous header was good, tell them
- * that we are skipping bad ones.
- */
- case 0: /* Invalid header */
- userec (head);
- switch (prev_status)
- {
- case 3: /* Error on first record */
- msg ("Hmm, this doesn't look like a tar archive.");
- /* FALL THRU */
- case 2: /* Error after record of zeroes */
- case 1: /* Error after header rec */
- msg ("Skipping to next file header...");
- case 0: /* Error after error */
- break;
- }
- continue;
- case 2: /* Record of zeroes */
- userec (head);
- status = prev_status; /* If error after 0's */
- if (f_ignorez)
- continue;
- /* FALL THRU */
- case EOF: /* End of archive */
- break;
- }
- break;
- };
- restore_saved_dir_info ();
- close_archive ();
- names_notfound (); /* Print names not found */
- }
- /*
- * Print a header record, based on tar options.
- */
- void
- list_archive ()
- {
- extern char *save_name;
- int isextended = 0; /* Flag to remember if head is extended */
- /* Save the record */
- saverec (&head);
- /* Print the header record */
- if (f_verbose)
- {
- if (f_verbose > 1)
- decode_header (head, &hstat, &head_standard, 0);
- print_header ();
- }
- if (f_gnudump && head->header.linkflag == LF_DUMPDIR)
- {
- size_t size, written, check;
- char *data;
- extern long save_totsize;
- extern long save_sizeleft;
- userec (head);
- if (f_multivol)
- {
- save_name = current_file_name;
- save_totsize = hstat.st_size;
- }
- for (size = hstat.st_size; size > 0; size -= written)
- {
- if (f_multivol)
- save_sizeleft = size;
- data = findrec ()->charptr;
- if (data == NULL)
- {
- msg ("EOF in archive file?");
- break;
- }
- written = endofrecs ()->charptr - data;
- if (written > size)
- written = size;
- errno = 0;
- check = fwrite (data, sizeof (char), written, msg_file);
- userec ((union record *) (data + written - 1));
- if (check != written)
- {
- msg_perror ("only wrote %ld of %ld bytes to file %s", check, written, current_file_name);
- skip_file ((long) (size) - written);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (f_multivol)
- save_name = 0;
- saverec ((union record **) 0); /* Unsave it */
- fputc ('\n', msg_file);
- fflush (msg_file);
- return;
- }
- saverec ((union record **) 0);/* Unsave it */
- /* Check to see if we have an extended header to skip over also */
- if (head->header.isextended)
- isextended = 1;
- /* Skip past the header in the archive */
- userec (head);
- /*
- * If we needed to skip any extended headers, do so now, by
- * reading extended headers and skipping past them in the
- * archive.
- */
- if (isextended)
- {
- /* register union record *exhdr;
- for (;;) {
- exhdr = findrec();
- if (!exhdr->ext_hdr.isextended) {
- userec(exhdr);
- break;
- }
- userec(exhdr);
- }*/
- skip_extended_headers ();
- }
- if (f_multivol)
- save_name = current_file_name;
- /* Skip to the next header on the archive */
- skip_file ((long) hstat.st_size);
- if (f_multivol)
- save_name = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Read a record that's supposed to be a header record.
- * Return its address in "head", and if it is good, the file's
- * size in hstat.st_size.
- *
- * Return 1 for success, 0 if the checksum is bad, EOF on eof,
- * 2 for a record full of zeros (EOF marker).
- *
- * You must always userec(head) to skip past the header which this
- * routine reads.
- */
- int
- read_header ()
- {
- register int i;
- register long sum, signed_sum, recsum;
- register char *p;
- register union record *header;
- long from_oct ();
- char **longp;
- char *bp, *data;
- int size, written;
- static char *next_long_name, *next_long_link;
- char *name;
- recurse:
- header = findrec ();
- head = header; /* This is our current header */
- if (NULL == header)
- return EOF;
- recsum = from_oct (8, header->header.chksum);
- sum = 0;
- p = header->charptr;
- for (i = sizeof (*header); --i >= 0;)
- {
- /*
- * We can't use unsigned char here because of old compilers,
- * e.g. V7.
- */
- signed_sum += *p;
- sum += 0xFF & *p++;
- }
- /* Adjust checksum to count the "chksum" field as blanks. */
- for (i = sizeof (header->header.chksum); --i >= 0;)
- {
- sum -= 0xFF & header->header.chksum[i];
- signed_sum -= (char) header->header.chksum[i];
- }
- sum += ' ' * sizeof header->header.chksum;
- signed_sum += ' ' * sizeof header->header.chksum;
- if (sum == 8 * ' ')
- {
- /*
- * This is a zeroed record...whole record is 0's except
- * for the 8 blanks we faked for the checksum field.
- */
- return 2;
- }
- if (sum != recsum && signed_sum != recsum)
- return 0;
- /*
- * Good record. Decode file size and return.
- */
- if (header->header.linkflag == LF_LINK)
- hstat.st_size = 0; /* Links 0 size on tape */
- else
- hstat.st_size = from_oct (1 + 12, header->header.size);
- header->header.arch_name[NAMSIZ - 1] = '\0';
- if (header->header.linkflag == LF_LONGNAME
- || header->header.linkflag == LF_LONGLINK)
- {
- longp = ((header->header.linkflag == LF_LONGNAME)
- ? &next_long_name
- : &next_long_link);
- userec (header);
- if (*longp)
- free (*longp);
- bp = *longp = (char *) ck_malloc (hstat.st_size);
- for (size = hstat.st_size;
- size > 0;
- size -= written)
- {
- data = findrec ()->charptr;
- if (data == NULL)
- {
- msg ("Unexpected EOF on archive file");
- break;
- }
- written = endofrecs ()->charptr - data;
- if (written > size)
- written = size;
- bcopy (data, bp, written);
- bp += written;
- userec ((union record *) (data + written - 1));
- }
- goto recurse;
- }
- else
- {
- name = (next_long_name
- ? next_long_name
- : head->header.arch_name);
- if (current_file_name)
- free (current_file_name);
- current_file_name = ck_malloc (strlen (name) + 1);
- strcpy (current_file_name, name);
- name = (next_long_link
- ? next_long_link
- : head->header.arch_linkname);
- if (current_link_name)
- free (current_link_name);
- current_link_name = ck_malloc (strlen (name) + 1);
- strcpy (current_link_name, name);
- next_long_link = next_long_name = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Decode things from a file header record into a "struct stat".
- * Also set "*stdp" to !=0 or ==0 depending whether header record is "Unix
- * Standard" tar format or regular old tar format.
- *
- * read_header() has already decoded the checksum and length, so we don't.
- *
- * If wantug != 0, we want the uid/group info decoded from Unix Standard
- * tapes (for extraction). If == 0, we are just printing anyway, so save time.
- *
- * decode_header should NOT be called twice for the same record, since the
- * two calls might use different "wantug" values and thus might end up with
- * different uid/gid for the two calls. If anybody wants the uid/gid they
- * should decode it first, and other callers should decode it without uid/gid
- * before calling a routine, e.g. print_header, that assumes decoded data.
- */
- void
- decode_header (header, st, stdp, wantug)
- register union record *header;
- register struct stat *st;
- int *stdp;
- int wantug;
- {
- long from_oct ();
- st->st_mode = from_oct (8, header->header.mode);
- st->st_mode &= 07777;
- st->st_mtime = from_oct (1 + 12, header->header.mtime);
- if (f_gnudump)
- {
- st->st_atime = from_oct (1 + 12, header->header.atime);
- st->st_ctime = from_oct (1 + 12, header->header.ctime);
- }
- if (0 == strcmp (header->header.magic, TMAGIC))
- {
- /* Unix Standard tar archive */
- *stdp = 1;
- if (wantug)
- {
- #ifdef NONAMES
- st->st_uid = from_oct (8, header->header.uid);
- st->st_gid = from_oct (8, header->header.gid);
- #else
- st->st_uid =
- (*header->header.uname
- ? finduid (header->header.uname)
- : from_oct (8, header->header.uid));
- st->st_gid =
- (*header->header.gname
- ? findgid (header->header.gname)
- : from_oct (8, header->header.gid));
- #endif
- }
- #if defined(S_IFBLK) || defined(S_IFCHR)
- switch (header->header.linkflag)
- {
- case LF_BLK:
- case LF_CHR:
- st->st_rdev = makedev (from_oct (8, header->header.devmajor),
- from_oct (8, header->header.devminor));
- }
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- /* Old fashioned tar archive */
- *stdp = 0;
- st->st_uid = from_oct (8, header->header.uid);
- st->st_gid = from_oct (8, header->header.gid);
- st->st_rdev = 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Quick and dirty octal conversion.
- *
- * Result is -1 if the field is invalid (all blank, or nonoctal).
- */
- long
- from_oct (digs, where)
- register int digs;
- register char *where;
- {
- register long value;
- while (isspace (*where))
- { /* Skip spaces */
- where++;
- if (--digs <= 0)
- return -1; /* All blank field */
- }
- value = 0;
- while (digs > 0 && isodigit (*where))
- { /* Scan til nonoctal */
- value = (value << 3) | (*where++ - '0');
- --digs;
- }
- if (digs > 0 && *where && !isspace (*where))
- return -1; /* Ended on non-space/nul */
- return value;
- }
- /*
- * Actually print it.
- *
- * Plain and fancy file header block logging.
- * Non-verbose just prints the name, e.g. for "tar t" or "tar x".
- * This should just contain file names, so it can be fed back into tar
- * with xargs or the "-T" option. The verbose option can give a bunch
- * of info, one line per file. I doubt anybody tries to parse its
- * format, or if they do, they shouldn't. Unix tar is pretty random here
- * anyway.
- *
- * Note that print_header uses the globals <head>, <hstat>, and
- * <head_standard>, which must be set up in advance. This is not very clean
- * and should be cleaned up. FIXME.
- */
- #define UGSWIDTH 18 /* min width of User, group, size */
- /* UGSWIDTH of 18 means that with user and group names <= 8 chars the columns
- never shift during the listing. */
- #define DATEWIDTH 19 /* Last mod date */
- static int ugswidth = UGSWIDTH; /* Max width encountered so far */
- void
- print_header ()
- {
- char modes[11];
- char *timestamp;
- char uform[11], gform[11]; /* These hold formatted ints */
- char *user, *group;
- char size[24]; /* Holds a formatted long or maj, min */
- time_t longie; /* To make ctime() call portable */
- int pad;
- char *name;
- extern long baserec;
- if (f_sayblock)
- fprintf (msg_file, "rec %10d: ", baserec + (ar_record - ar_block));
- /* annofile(msg_file, (char *)NULL); */
- if (f_verbose <= 1)
- {
- /* Just the fax, mam. */
- char *name;
- name = quote_copy_string (current_file_name);
- if (name == 0)
- name = current_file_name;
- fprintf (msg_file, "%s\n", name);
- if (name != current_file_name)
- free (name);
- }
- else
- {
- /* File type and modes */
- modes[0] = '?';
- switch (head->header.linkflag)
- {
- case LF_VOLHDR:
- modes[0] = 'V';
- break;
- modes[0] = 'M';
- break;
- case LF_NAMES:
- modes[0] = 'N';
- break;
- msg ("Visible longname error\n");
- break;
- case LF_SPARSE:
- case LF_NORMAL:
- case LF_LINK:
- modes[0] = '-';
- if ('/' == current_file_name[strlen (current_file_name) - 1])
- modes[0] = 'd';
- break;
- case LF_DUMPDIR:
- modes[0] = 'd';
- break;
- case LF_DIR:
- modes[0] = 'd';
- break;
- case LF_SYMLINK:
- modes[0] = 'l';
- break;
- case LF_BLK:
- modes[0] = 'b';
- break;
- case LF_CHR:
- modes[0] = 'c';
- break;
- case LF_FIFO:
- modes[0] = 'p';
- break;
- case LF_CONTIG:
- modes[0] = 'C';
- break;
- }
- demode ((unsigned) hstat.st_mode, modes + 1);
- /* Timestamp */
- longie = hstat.st_mtime;
- timestamp = ctime (&longie);
- timestamp[16] = '\0';
- timestamp[24] = '\0';
- /* User and group names */
- if (*head->header.uname && head_standard)
- {
- user = head->header.uname;
- }
- else
- {
- user = uform;
- (void) sprintf (uform, "%d",
- from_oct (8, head->header.uid));
- }
- if (*head->header.gname && head_standard)
- {
- group = head->header.gname;
- }
- else
- {
- group = gform;
- (void) sprintf (gform, "%d",
- from_oct (8, head->header.gid));
- }
- /* Format the file size or major/minor device numbers */
- switch (head->header.linkflag)
- {
- #if defined(S_IFBLK) || defined(S_IFCHR)
- case LF_CHR:
- case LF_BLK:
- (void) sprintf (size, "%d,%d",
- major (hstat.st_rdev),
- minor (hstat.st_rdev));
- break;
- #endif
- case LF_SPARSE:
- (void) sprintf (size, "%ld",
- from_oct (1 + 12, head->header.realsize));
- break;
- default:
- (void) sprintf (size, "%ld", (long) hstat.st_size);
- }
- /* Figure out padding and print the whole line. */
- pad = strlen (user) + strlen (group) + strlen (size) + 1;
- if (pad > ugswidth)
- ugswidth = pad;
- name = quote_copy_string (current_file_name);
- if (!name)
- name = current_file_name;
- fprintf (msg_file, "%s %s/%s %*s%s %s %s %s",
- modes,
- user,
- group,
- ugswidth - pad,
- "",
- size,
- timestamp + 4, timestamp + 20,
- name);
- if (name != current_file_name)
- free (name);
- switch (head->header.linkflag)
- {
- case LF_SYMLINK:
- name = quote_copy_string (current_link_name);
- if (!name)
- name = current_link_name;
- fprintf (msg_file, " -> %s\n", name);
- if (name != current_link_name)
- free (name);
- break;
- case LF_LINK:
- name = quote_copy_string (current_link_name);
- if (!name)
- name = current_link_name;
- fprintf (msg_file, " link to %s\n", current_link_name);
- if (name != current_link_name)
- free (name);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf (msg_file, " unknown file type '%c'\n",
- head->header.linkflag);
- break;
- case LF_NORMAL:
- case LF_SPARSE:
- case LF_CHR:
- case LF_BLK:
- case LF_DIR:
- case LF_FIFO:
- case LF_CONTIG:
- case LF_DUMPDIR:
- putc ('\n', msg_file);
- break;
- case LF_VOLHDR:
- fprintf (msg_file, "--Volume Header--\n");
- break;
- fprintf (msg_file, "--Continued at byte %ld--\n", from_oct (1 + 12, head->header.offset));
- break;
- case LF_NAMES:
- fprintf (msg_file, "--Mangled file names--\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- fflush (msg_file);
- }
- /*
- * Print a similar line when we make a directory automatically.
- */
- void
- pr_mkdir (pathname, length, mode)
- char *pathname;
- int length;
- int mode;
- {
- char modes[11];
- char *name;
- extern long baserec;
- if (f_verbose > 1)
- {
- /* File type and modes */
- modes[0] = 'd';
- demode ((unsigned) mode, modes + 1);
- if (f_sayblock)
- fprintf (msg_file, "rec %10d: ", baserec + (ar_record - ar_block));
- /* annofile(msg_file, (char *)NULL); */
- name = quote_copy_string (pathname);
- if (!name)
- name = pathname;
- fprintf (msg_file, "%s %*s %.*s\n",
- modes,
- ugswidth + DATEWIDTH,
- "Creating directory:",
- length,
- pathname);
- if (name != pathname)
- free (name);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Skip over <size> bytes of data in records in the archive.
- */
- void
- skip_file (size)
- register long size;
- {
- union record *x;
- extern long save_totsize;
- extern long save_sizeleft;
- if (f_multivol)
- {
- save_totsize = size;
- save_sizeleft = size;
- }
- while (size > 0)
- {
- x = findrec ();
- if (x == NULL)
- { /* Check it... */
- msg ("Unexpected EOF on archive file");
- exit (EX_BADARCH);
- }
- userec (x);
- size -= RECORDSIZE;
- if (f_multivol)
- save_sizeleft -= RECORDSIZE;
- }
- }
- void
- skip_extended_headers ()
- {
- register union record *exhdr;
- for (;;)
- {
- exhdr = findrec ();
- if (!exhdr->ext_hdr.isextended)
- {
- userec (exhdr);
- break;
- }
- userec (exhdr);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Decode the mode string from a stat entry into a 9-char string and a null.
- */
- void
- demode (mode, string)
- register unsigned mode;
- register char *string;
- {
- register unsigned mask;
- register char *rwx = "rwxrwxrwx";
- for (mask = 0400; mask != 0; mask >>= 1)
- {
- if (mode & mask)
- *string++ = *rwx++;
- else
- {
- *string++ = '-';
- rwx++;
- }
- }
- if (mode & S_ISUID)
- if (string[-7] == 'x')
- string[-7] = 's';
- else
- string[-7] = 'S';
- if (mode & S_ISGID)
- if (string[-4] == 'x')
- string[-4] = 's';
- else
- string[-4] = 'S';
- if (mode & S_ISVTX)
- if (string[-1] == 'x')
- string[-1] = 't';
- else
- string[-1] = 'T';
- *string = '\0';
- }